Korean Hand Therapy (KHT)
What is Korean Hand Therapy?
Korean Hand Therapy (KHT) is a Korean form of acupuncture and massage for bringing the body to balance and wellness through your hands. By stimulating specific points on the hands, you can resolve pain and balance internal organ function. KHT is a micro-acupuncture and reflex system located on both hands. KHT is a very simple and extremely effective method of treatment for both internal and external conditions. Like other forms of Oriental Medicine, it has a balanced approach that provides relief from symptoms and may treat the underlying causes.
What can Korean Hand Therapy do for me?
Some people turn to KHT for help with a specific symptom or condition. Others choose to have therapy / treatment to help maintain good health, as a preventive measure, or simply to improve their general sense of wellbeing. Because traditional KHT aims to treat the whole person rather than specific symptoms in isolation, it can be effective for a range of conditions. Many people return to Korean Hand Therapy again and again because they find it so beneficial and relaxing.
What can I expect during a KHT session?
The stimulation of points may be done in a number of ways, the therapy / treatment strategy might be as simple as massaging a tender point on both hands, this may be followed by stimulation by heat (moxa) or the use of miniature hand needles. My patients are often sent home with small pellets, on a small adhesive, pressing on the points to continue stimulation. The effects continue to build over the next day.
How long is a KHT session?
Your first session will involve a full consultation to find out about your main concerns, and to assess your overall past health history. Your practitioner will work out a therapy / treatment plan using this information and tailor the process to your individual needs. Information about any medication/supplements you are taking will be useful to us at this stage, as well as any recent test results. After the consultation, there will be time for a short therapy / treatment. Many clients prefer to use KHT in combination with other therapies / treatments.
How many sessions will I need?
It is not uncommon for patients to be seen three times a week during the beginning stages of a therapy / treatment for a quick fifteen minute or half hour therapy / treatment. This can be accomplished because therapy / treatment can take place nearly anywhere and takes less time than traditional acupuncture. Also, self-treatment is effective and easily taught. Especially with small pellets on the points which the patient can simply press from time to time throughout the day.
Does Korean Hand Therapy hurt?
If you opt to have acupuncture as part of your KHT treatment then you could experience some element of minor pain, this is likely to be a short, pin prick like sensation but this should not be 'painful'. The massage and Moxa forms of KHT should not hurt.
What should I wear to my appointment?
It is best to wear loose clothing for your therapy / treatment sessions, and we do not recommend that you eat a large meal, drink strong coffee or alcohol just prior to a
therapy / treatment.
Do I need to bring anything with me?
Nope - just bring yourself and we will do the rest!
Korean Hand Therapy may help with the following conditions:
Menstrual problems
Menopausal problems
Musculoskeletal problems
Back Pain
Circulatory problems
Facial rejuvenation
Gastrointestinal problems
High blood pressure
Pregnancy care
Morning Sickness
Respiratory conditions
Sexual problems
Sinus Problems
Skin problems
Stress related illness
Weight loss
Fatigue or tiredness

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