Medical Acupuncture & Dry Needling
What is Medical Acupuncture & Dry Needing?
Medical acupuncture, Dry Needling is a skilled intervention that uses an acupuncture needle to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying myofascial trigger points (irritated spots) in muscular, and connective tissues for the management of neuromusculoskeletal pain and movement impairments.
A myofascial trigger point can be defined as a muscle knot that results from overuse or overload. A muscle trigger point can produce muscle pain and dysfunction.
Dry Needling is a technique used to treat dysfunctions in skeletal muscle, fascia, and connective tissue.
Used to treat sports injuries and muscle pain.
How long is the session?
We carry out this treatment in one hour sessions. Your first session will involve a full consultation to find out about your main concerns, and to assess your overall past health history. Your practitioner will work out a treatment plan using this information and tailor the process to your individual needs. Information about any medication/supplements you are taking will be useful to us at this stage, as well as any recent test results. After the consultation, there will be time for a short treatment.
How many sessions will I need?
This varies depending on the severity of your symptoms and the nature of your condition, we will take time in your initial consultation to work out a timescale which bests suits your individual needs. However, we do usually see clients around one or two times per week for first four weeks.
Does Medical Acupuncture & Dry Needling hurt?
As we are breaking the skin when we insert the needle's you are likely to feel a small, noticeable pricking sensation but this shouldn't be painful.
What do I need to wear?
It is best to wear loose clothing for your therapy sessions, and we do not recommend that you eat a large meal, drink strong coffee or alcohol just prior to a treatment.
What happens if I fall asleep during the session?
Falling asleep is actually very common and is nothing to be embarrassed about, in fact a large proportion of our client's do fall into a deep sleep during the process due to its relaxing nature.
Do I need to bring anything to my appointment?
Nothing - just bring yourself and we will do the rest!
How will I feel after a Medical Acupuncture & Dry Needling session?
Sometimes the muscle will twitch when you insert an acupuncture needle into it, and it can feel sore. Expect to feel a little muscle ache or soreness for a day or two after, it can feel like you worked out that muscle.
Is Medical Acupuncture suitable if I am pregnant?
Acupuncture is tailored to you and we are able to change the treatment accordingly. However, it is important to inform therapist if you think you may be pregnant. Please seek guidance form your GP/midwife if any concerns arise prior to your session.
Medical Acupuncture may help with the following conditions:
Musculoskeletal problems
Back Pain
Muscle pain and soreness

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